
Integracja życia zawodowego i prywatnego Zniżki dla pracowników Dobre możliwości rozwoju Praca mobilna Atrakcyjny system wynagrodzeń Inicjatywy na rzecz zdrowia Program emerytalny Elastyczny czas pracy

Operates production equipment. Assists in troubleshooting production equipment. Performs equipment changeovers. Makes adjustments as necessary to produce product within specifications. Rejects product outside of specifications. Operates within standard operating procedures (SOPs) and special instructions (SIs). Completes daily production logs. Communicates with operators from other shifts. Cleans and maintains work area. (5S) Assists mechanics and machinists in repair work. Performs ancillary duties as needed.

Basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills required. This is normally acquired through a high school diploma or equivalent. Manual dexterity required for operating machinery and computers.